
Marie Altgen ( )

In view of the history of the female organ that has moved from once being conceived as a wandering thousandfold evil and the origin of hysteria to contemporary attributions that present themselves in the form of derogatory terms, radical medical interventions as well as the mechanisation and optimisation of motherhood (e.g. “social freezing”) I pose questions about my own relationship and attitude towards my uterus. 
On this journey into the inner realm, the viewers penetrate into a cave with arches and recesses. They progress through acoustic atmospheres into an open space for “wrong” and “right” decisions and further on into the ultimately unconscious, into the resonance of the inner realm. Hommage is about the attempt to return to one’s own rhythm of life and make it possible to experience the uterus as a place of strength, of origin and the seat of creativity, as wells as an object of desire, control and power.

Walk-in installation, various materials, sound, dimensions variable