Angst Forum in der Galerie dieschönestadt

Angst Forum in der Galerie dieschönestadt
Galerie dieschönestadt

In the run-up to the festival, a corporate exhibition with young artists and designers from Muthesius Academy of fine arts Kiel has been installed. The works range from animated information design to video performance and mixed-media sculpture. One refers to fear in statistical empiricism. The others set about the neurotic and obsessive appearance of fear or play with the specific, instinctive uneasiness towards clinical experiments of resuscitation.

A framework programme complements the exhibition.


Fri, 01.10., 19:00

Opening hours:
16:00 – 20:00 (Mondays closed.)

Play reading:
Tuesday, Oct. 5, 20:00

SPRECHBUEHNE collective of the faculty of speech communication and linguistics of the University of Halle (MLU) read:

Tales of the Brothers Grimm
(directed by Almuth Hattwich, read by: Luise Gebauer)

Frank Schätzing "Der Schwarm"
(directed by Sophie Nixdorf, read by: Maxi Grehl)

Christa Wolf "Störfall"
(directed by Franziska Löhr, read by Clara Finke)

Release of Illustrated Encyclopedia of Fear:
Thursday, Oct. 07, 20:00

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Fear is result to a joint week-long workshop of UDK Berlin and Burg Giebichenstein Academy of fine arts Halle.

Exhibition closing event:
Friday, Oct. 8, 20:00

For the closing event the artists Birgit Saupe, Sarah Zeese and Janna Klävers will be present.

Sunday 10. 01 (All day)