At the Shrink's (A Fake Hologram)
During a performance at De Appel, Amsterdam, Anderson is sitting in an easy chair, or rather: an image of the artist is projected onto the chair. She is telling an anecdote about a session with her psychiatrist. Anderson eventually comes to the conclusion that she and the psychiatrist see things from a totally different angle, both literally and figuratively. From then on, visiting the psychiatrist becomes superfluous.
The installation serves to illustrate the anecdote told. The story and the form in which it is moulded are connected. The projection is a kind of staging, a décor in which the narrative has a natural place. Anderson plays with the space in which the projection is shown: a game of scaling up and down whereby the space in which the story takes place is eventually relativized. Everything seems different from what it is in reality, both in the narrative and in the images shown.
Laurie Anderson, NL 1977, 4 min