Common property today - Rethinking the Common/s

Common property today - Rethinking the Common/s

To the extent that the concept of 'social work' gains importance in capital-oriented economies, the notion of common property is radically challenged. What exactly does the idea of 'free resources' mean in an economy in which the exploitation of unpaid cooperation has become central? Can free really mean free in the sense of 'libre'? Can the common good be subversive at the same time? And in what way could such a common good, if it exists, be established?

Jamie King (Mute, London), Alan Toner (Autonomedia, Rome) and Benjamin Mako Hill (Debian Not For Profit, Seattle) will discuss with the participants the further development of a wiki (website editable by all users). It is dedicated to building a database of public knowledge on intellectual property.

Friday 27. 08 (All day)