Stadt von Morgen

Stadt von Morgen
Die Stadt von Morgen

... Start from scratch, from the debris of war the new neighbourhood Hansaviertel arose in the 1950s. As the lead project of urban planning at "Interbau 57" it has incorporated the restart in former West-Berlin. The name list of participating architects (such as Aalto, Eiermann, Gropius, Le Corbusier, Niemeyer, Vago) read as an encyclopedia of celebrities of classical modernism.

For the contemporary generation, Hansaviertel neighbourhood long since has developed a patina and the former urban engineering concepts have been questioned over and over. Merely item sketched for profane day-to-day usage (clocks, chairs, lamps) have kept the status of best sellers.

Korpys/Löffler do not create any restart in Stadt von Morgen (2007), neither they propagate demolition nor musealisation: They negotiate.

"One morning we removed one of the 7,5 m long tree trunk from the skott of "Objektes 13" and went with it through the Hansaviertel to the "Eternithaus". There, we have used the trunk to modify a number of chosen design furniture objects..."

Andree Korpys is visiting at Jour Fixe of Kunsthochschule Burg Giebichenstein Halle.

A cooperation of Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle and Werkleitz.

Monday 28. 04. 16:00
Neuwerk 7, Halle (Saale)